Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Changes and Challenges

Frances and I, despite a fair amount of jet-lag found a great place at a fair price and began to determine what we need to bring with us in the fall. I have included picture below. I still cannot help but shout from the rooftops that I am going to be a doctor!!!!
I had a hard time returning to work and dealing with all the normal everyday crap knowing that I am moving on in less than three months. I began to think that nothing I had to experience in that time would teach me, and then the call came in for a GSW following a pursuit. I expected to find the normal small caliber injuries that I have often dealt with in my career in EMS. Instead, I found high powered armor piercing round injuries. It was unreal, I had never actually seen a real pericardial syntesis until that afternoon when the Helo crew performed one on this patient. It was one of the most devastating calls that I have been involved with to date, but it taught me once again that in the face of the worst, I can be calm, cool, and collected. Additionally, in the midst of chaos, I could teach and simplify the most complex of concepts. While it is difficult to see these traumatic things, I can move forward in the knowledge that given the worst, I will be fine. All that I need to overcome now is the academic challenges of the first two years.
Enough of the depressing. Frances and I found a one bedroom apartment with all the amenities to make it comfortable for a newly married couple. It has a great view, a nice bathroom, and a kitchen that many a chef would be jealous of. It even has a wine-cooler! Here is to the adventure this fall, and any still waiting for me at work. Enjoy the photos below:

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