Thursday, October 3, 2013

Semester the 4th

It has been over a year now since we came to the island. It seems like so long ago. Since I last wrote, we moved apartments, got a dog, and completed the third semester with high marks. In addition to school, I have been serving as the Presiding Senior of the Sigma Chi Mu chapter of the Phi Chi Medical Fraternity and a Harvey Tutor. I am very proud of what we have been able to accomplish over the past semester as an organization. We raised $1000 for charity last semester and completed over 500 hours of community service. This accounts for 1/6th of all monetary donations from the school to local organizations and nearly 1/4th of all community service hours done by students. We have started a series of talks via skype with physicians back in the states as well as students in the clinical years to clarify the road ahead for our fellow students.
This semester is already flying by. It is hard to comprehend that in just under a year, we will be leaving and preparing to take the Step. This coming break will be a nice long (3 week) respite despite all of the doctor appointments and family drama. I can hardly wait to see snow (Frances disagrees strongly on this point). Here is to the 4th semester, see you on the other side.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Semester Three

So here we are starting the third semester of medical school. Not even a year ago, I found out that was finally be given my chance. It has been tough, but medical school is supposed to be. Just over a year from now we will be headed home to take Step I. I am so grateful and looking forward to the remaining challenge in front of me.