Monday, May 28, 2012

Things are happening fast...

A mere two weeks ago, I received a phone call that has utter changed my plans for this fall. The day before my graduation from graduate school I was planning on starting another masters in the fall. At approximately 3:30 that afternoon, I received the call that I have been working toward for the better part of a decade. "Noah, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to our medical school for the class starting this fall!" In an instant my entire system of contingency plans became useless. No more studying for the MCAT, working as a Paramedic while at school full time, no more disheartening letters from medical schools informing me that they didn't want to admit me or I had been placed on the waitlist. The paperwork that has ensued has been enormous. If that did not make this opportunity a reality fast enough, I am leaving tomorrow to look at housing prospects for Frances and I this fall. This experience has taught me that the journey thus far may have been long and difficult, it has been worth every step. I am under no delusions as to the task that lies ahead of me, but I appreciate this chance more than any other person I know. I am just thrilled for the opportunity before me!

Location:Bellevue, NE